Climate for All

play the change you wish to see in the world

Imagine a global community united in tackling the climate crisis. We make that happen by building games that foster climate action.

Climate for All is creating a global culture of sustainability where people from diverse backgrounds work together through play to tackle the climate crisis and build a greener future.

We do this by developing engaging educational games and training facilitators to empower youth, organisations and companies worldwide to take meaningful climate action. By promoting cooperation and skills development through game-based workshops, at Climate for All we enhance sustainability literacy and motivate positive environmental change.

September - December 2023

Mapping and Research

Our project begins with building a database of existing games related to sustainability and identifying gaps in the competences developed through playing them. This will reveal the priorities to focus on when developing our own games, aligned to GreenComp, the European sustainability competence framework.

Game Development

We will then develop the prototypes of our own games. Our prototypes will be further developed within several iterations of playtesting and improving the games based on feedback. The finalised versions of our games, preliminary facilitator guides, and related additional features will be featured on this website by summer 2024.

January - June 2024

July - December 2024

Training and Multiplying

Facilitators will be trained to host game-based workshops for their target groups using our games. The finalised toolkit for facilitators and all related training material will be hosted on Cities of Learning, a web platform that enables cities and regions to create unique learning pathways, online learning playlists and digital Open Badges.

Our multiplier events will also be kickstarted in this phase, hosted by our partners, external organisations, youth workers, climate activists and informal groups, supported by our team, multiplying the impact of the project by reaching a wider audience and promoting the use of the games beyond the partner organisations.

Dissemination and Future

In this phase, we will disseminate the project's outcomes to a wider audience and promote the use of the games beyond the project's initial scope. We will do this by promoting the developed games, workshops and training material at external conferences and relevant events, writing articles, coordinating a social media campaign, and topping it off with a closing conference in Brussels!

But more importantly, this is not the end. It's only marking the beginning of the next level of Climate for All, where the project keeps developing beyond its initial phases (supported by the European Union and our first round of sponsors), to a truly global scope that, acting as a social enterprise, is sustainable in all aspects!

October 2024 - June 2026

Climate for All is

Partner Organisations